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Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Around Kolkata in 300 days

By Sumit Kujur S.J   
Our first journey, after starting our Juniorate in Kolkata, was to St. Xavier’s College for the novena to St. Ignatius, praying that our journey around Kolkata might be a fruitful one. Fr Dean, realizing the need for us to learn about the social structures in India, gave us permission to attend a course at Udayani. Having learnt about the Indian social structures, we had an enjoyable City Darshan. A few days later we had a beautiful exposure programme on Durga Puja under the guidance of Prof. Deepankar Basu. When the festive mood subsided, a great international debate on the electronic Media took place at St. Xavier’s. To our good luck we managed to get a group invitation card. We also received a group invitation for the platinum Jubilee function at St. Lawrence’s. Having received a shock learning about the use and misuse of the electronic media at St Xavier’s, the film festival at Nandan helped us to relax. With refreshed minds we went and amused the congregation gathered at Shantinir for the Christmas get-together with our carol singing. To do the same in the mission stations, Fr. Dean sent us in groups of five to three Mission stations. Having no idea of factories and industrial plants, in spite of being surrounded by them, we got an opportunity to learn about them atbthe Vishwa Karma puja. After seeing the pollution caused by the factories and industries, we got a chance to visit Kaviguru Tagore’s Ashram at Shanti Niketan, in order to purify our polluted minds. Fr Dean wanted us to be like Tagore; so he sent us to the international Book fair. Fr Saju’s  true sense of Art and Aesthetics was revealed on Diwali when he made us colour our drawings. Fr Rector and his staff felt that it was time to take a break, so we as a community went to the Bay of Bengal for a Picnic. But the salty water refreshed only our body. The Dean sent us to Bandel to refresh our mind and soul as the final countdown began, and the Juniors seemed to be relaxing. Fr Dean thought of giving us a chance to visit the tomb of Mother Teresa for a spiritual experience and then to have a mind blooming experience in the Science City.  Looks like we are now ready for the next journey- the one back to our provinces and for a much deserved home visit.

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