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Tuesday, 26 March 2013

The dream of Pope Francis

By Darimioo Susngi, SJ

The night after being elected Pope, Jorge had a dream.  He dreamt that he was in a strange and lonely place, but extraordinarily beautiful. He went around looking to see if there was anybody living in that place. Exhausted from walking, Jorge decided to sit down on a bench near-by. After relaxing for some time, he saw from a distance an old man approaching. As the man was getting closer, Jorge identified him as Cardinal Bellarmino. “I am glad to finally meet you, brother,” said Jorge reluctantly. “How do you get in here?” asked Bellarmino in surprise. “Oh! I..I..I lost my way,” Jorge stammered and went one, “I’m supposed to be in the Vatican because they elected me Pope.” “Jorge! Oh! I’m really sorry your Holiness, for behaving informally with you,” cried Bellarmino. “I am fine with it,” answered Jorge shrugging his shoulders. “You know Jorge,” continued Bellarmino, “I would have been the first Jesuit Pope. I got very close to it. But at that time, we Jesuits were taught not even to think about it. In fact there was a lot of opposition from my brother Jesuits when I was made a Cardinal! I wish I was living in your time! I’m really jealous of you, Jorge. Anyway,” continued Bellarmino, “don’t be scandalized by my wo…r..r..r.,” he stammered before completing the sentence and left right away without saying anything further. Jorge couldn’t believe his ears as he sat on the bench flabbergasted. 
After some time, Jorge noticed two men coming in his direction. To his surprise, he noticed that of the two, one was Ignatius, limping as he walked along and the other was Jesus, carrying a huge cross. “Jorge! Jorge!” Ignatius called out from afar. “I’m proud of you,” he continued, “that you’ve accepted this huge responsibility in these troubled times and I appreciate your wisdom. You’ve been able to decipher my vision at La Storta and respond promptly to the signs of the time. I tried my best to understand it during my life time,” went on Ignatius, “and maybe I misunderstood it sometimes. But you Jorge, you did it!” said Ignatius excitedly. “Jorge!” the sweet voice of Jesus echoed, “I wish you to take my Cross for me. I’ve waited for 473 years to give it to you guys. So! now it is yours, treasure it for my sake.” As Jesus was placing his huge cross on Jorge’s shoulders, Jorge could feel its heavy weight pressing him down and it woke him up from his sleep. He found himself on his own bed and came to realize that, it was still his first day in office as Pope.

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